reflecting & transforming the festive way
“is there an essential oil for that?”
The closer you get, the faster it appears. Isn’t that the case, every year? The holiday season is a time during which we, as a collective and as individuals, have the magnificent opportunity to rejoice in all that we have to celebrate and refine the dreams we’d like to create. The culmination of the Earth’s cycle around the sun is astrologically aligned to facilitate the release of what no longer serves us, leaving space for us to embrace change and new opportunities.
So, with that being said, we would like to inspire you to use this holiday season to really reflect on the year that has just passed. 2021 has been an incredibly fast-paced year with many changes, challenges and opportunities for growth. While doing this, begin to envision the year to come. What does it look like to you? What does it feel like? If you are feeling blocked or overwhelmed with the process, you may end up thinking: “There must be an essential oil for that?” And, guess what, you’d be absolutely right!
magical essential oils
Essential oils can be used to deeply enhance this inner and outer process.
There are some magical essential oils to use for calming, soothing and aiding in release, and there are others to assist in energizing, uplifting and supporting active change.
Some of our favourite oils to use around the house during Christmas include Angelica, Frankincense, Myrrh, Sandalwood, Jasmine, Roman Chamomile, Peppermint, Cedarwood, Orange, Cinnamon, Clove, Lemongrass and Rose Otto.
intentions & release
Affirmations and intent are essential to the process of letting go and transforming. What do you choose to release? What do you choose to manifest during the year ahead? Using essential oils and positive phrases can solidify the integration of your desired outcome into your psyche and life. Have you ever encountered a scent on a person or in a place, and immediately find that you’re taken back to memories of your grandmother or your favourite aunt? That unforgettable slow cooked dinner from childhood that filled the whole house with spices and smells you could feel?
this is the power of essential oils
They travel the limbic system in your body’s response, dancing with our behaviours, memories and moods. Focus on your intentions for the year ahead whilst burning or diffusing your essential oils throughout the room. Frankincense and Myrrh are two of our favourites when it comes to meditation and recreating yourself.
Remember, whichever oils you choose to diffuse during your process will carry that memory. Diffuse those same oils throughout 2022 whenever you feel lost or as if you have forgotten what you intended for the year. Chances are, that scent will trigger the memory.
Whilst inhaling your oils, try writing out or speaking one of these affirmations (or write your own inner wishes down and speak them aloud):
“I am loved, I am wise, I am strong, I am fulfilled!”
“I can accomplish anything, and know what is best for me.”
“I release what no longer serves my highest good.”
“I am alive, motivated and energized. I follow through with every dream and goal.”
Many of you have heard the phrase “you are what you eat”, but in fact, have you ever considered that you are also how you think and feel? The mental and emotional spaces within ourselves are just as essential when it comes to refining our reality, and they may also need gentle care, compassion, and at times some spring cleaning. Whether your goals are to better your diet, self-care routine, career or physical surroundings – beginning with the release of what holds you back is the first step in allowing for a truly wholesome, fulfilling adventure into the new year.
Intentions are also important when it comes to feeling into the things and experiences you’d like to create for yourself. There are so many ways you can use your oils to support you on this journey to truly solidify any positive shifts you’d like to make in your life and health.
Start by incorporating your oils into your normal self-care practices, whether it be by diffusing them or adding them to your bath or hygiene products (where it’s safe to do so).
mindfulness or meditation
If you have any mindfulness or meditation practice you’d like to try, using affirmations and aromatherapy can truly create the mindspace for lasting change to settle in. For continued support, applying your oils to your wrists and perhaps holding them over your heart will allow you to embrace their vibrational essence.
You can reapply your oils a few times a day, which also provides you with the opportunity to return to your intentions.
compassionate cheer
Not only does the holiday season bring out the festive side in most of us, but it is also a time of giving and joyousness.
Christmas may bring up scented memories, such as the smell of spiced wines, hot cocoa and cinnamon, pine needles and clove, or gingerbread men.
Essential oils can present an incredible way to set the tone and create a warm ambient atmosphere to open hearts and spark joy. Maybe the warming and uplifting aromas of Orange or Juniperberry will impart their magic upon your senses and get you into the festive mood. Perhaps Frankincense will bring up a feeling of nostalgia.
Perhaps Peppermint will remind you of those Christmas evenings beside the tree. Whichever it is, remember to give gratitude for the sacredness of essential oils, and of nature.
delectable christmas blend
Below is an invigorating Christmas blend that will add cheer to your household. Simply add this delicious blend to your diffuser to fill your home with the holiday spirit!
- 2 drops lemon
- 2 drops orange
- 3 drops vanilla
- 1 drop clove
- 1 drop cinnamon
- 1 drop nutmeg
Have a beautiful and transformative festive season, we will see you in 2022!