blending essential oils

Art-form or scientific method, as a matter of fact, it pays to view it as both! Blending essential oils is a creative and immensely useful practice that can produce a multitude of wondrous results. Although many people may shy away from the ‘do it yourself’ blends, there are an astonishing amount of possibilities that can be tailored to each individual’s personal needs and tastes.

You may have begun with heart wrenching thoughts, downplaying your own creative essence; thinking how much is too much? How much is enough? What will they do combined? Do these even work together? But rest assured in your innate ability to manifest and create harmony.

did you nose?

It’s better blended! Unity, harmony, synergy, alliance; all words one could attribute to the behaviour of these magnificent, dynamic liquids we love so much. Many essential oils have been known to work more effectively when mixed. Each oil varies in its compounds, and most of them are considered extraordinarily beneficial for healing endeavours. However, some weaker components may bring about adverse reactions. Essential oils, when naturally working in harmony with each other, can actually bring into balance certain aspects of particular oils, assisting in their effectiveness and negating qualities that may cause reactions.

Each individual is on their own journey through the wondrous world of aromatherapy and essential oils, and experiences are entirely respective. What may work for you and smell intoxicatingly beautiful may be another person’s last potential choice! Lavender is an oil that is notorious for being either loved, or hated; but generally when it is blended with another oil, it is widely enjoyed. This may definitely lead you to wonder which blends are revered; but there are a few steps one should take before diving into the deeply teaching and healing world of essential oil art!

did you nose?

It’s better blended! Unity, harmony, synergy, alliance; all words one could attribute to the behaviour of these magnificent, dynamic liquids we love so much. Many essential oils have been known to work more effectively when mixed. Each oil varies in its compounds, and most of them are considered extraordinarily beneficial for healing endeavours. However, some weaker components may bring about adverse reactions. Essential oils, when naturally working in harmony with each other, can actually bring into balance certain aspects of particular oils, assisting in their effectiveness and negating qualities that may cause reactions.

Each individual is on their own journey through the wondrous world of aromatherapy and essential oils, and experiences are entirely respective. What may work for you and smell intoxicatingly beautiful may be another person’s last potential choice! Lavender is an oil that is notorious for being either loved, or hated; but generally when it is blended with another oil, it is widely enjoyed. This may definitely lead you to wonder which blends are revered; but there are a few steps one should take before diving into the deeply teaching and healing world of essential oil art!


Organising your oils into groups can be done in a multitude of ways. The most common is to categorise them in terms of their effects, or what you’re wishing to experience. You may also group them with regard to their aroma and scent type. For those of you who wish to approach your venture from a more technical perspective, you can also arrange your oils with their chemical composition in mind, which affects the speed at which oils evaporate.
The majority of the most absolutely magical blends usually consist of two to five oils. Most see this as the perfect amount, which allows for the oil’s optimal abilities to imbue harmony amongst their constituents. Each chemical within essential oils lends its own properties and success of your personal blending endeavours will not simply be the task of mixing a few random oils together. It is entirely intertwined with the choice of oils, the amount of each, and for which particular result you’re intending to achieve.

there are three ways to blend your own oils:

1. by notes

You may have wondered why perfume smells different after it’s been on the skin for a while. Similarly your essential oil blends will shift and transform in their aroma within the hours after you first create them. Each oil evaporates at a different rate, meaning one may remain fragrant whilst the aroma of others have since vanished.
Again, this is an art-form, likened to the notation scale in music. When evaporation occurs within a short space of time, generally within an hour or two, the oils are referred to as “top notes”. Slightly longer lasting oils, imparting their fragrance for up to four hours, are deemed “middle notes”. The lowest and slowest, at times taking many days to fully evaporate are called “base notes”. When you take note of your oil’s notes, particularly if you intend on creating large batches, it helps to ensure that your blend is consistent in its aroma and development over time.

Top Notes


Anise, Basil, Bergamot, Cinnamon,

Citronella, Eucalyptus, Galbanum,

Grapefruit, Lemon, Lemongrass, Lime,

Mandarin, Melissa, Niaouli, Orange,

Peppermint, Petitgrain, Ravensara,

Spearmint, Tangerine, Sage, Tagetes, Lemon Verbena

Middle Notes

Bay, Black Pepper, Cardamom, Chamomile,

Cajeput, Camphor, Cypress, Clary Sage,

Cinnamon Leaf, Coriander, Fennel,

Geranium, Hyssop, Juniper Berry,

Lavender, Marjoram, Neroli, Myrtle,

Nutmeg, Palmarosa, Pine, Rosemary,

Spikenard, Rose, Tea Tree, Ylang-Ylang, Yarrow

Base Notes


Amyris, Angelica Root, Clove Bud,

Frankincense, Ginger, Helichrysum,

Myrrh, Patchouli, Sandalwood,

Rosewood, Jasmine, Oakmoss,

Valerian, Vanilla, Vetiver, Ylang-Ylang

2. by properties and effect

Perhaps the most straightforward means is by addressing their properties and effects. You can do this by exploring which oils are categorised as energising, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, soothing, or as a tonic – an array of opportunities for healing and benefit to one’s mental and physical state exist when it comes to these incredible gifts from Earth. Generally speaking, you can concoct an entirely complimentary blend when using oils within the same category.


Geranium, Bergamot, Ylang-Ylang, Neroli, Jasmine, Lavender, Melissa, Sandalwood, Patchouli, Palmarose, Petitgrain


Lemon, Grapefruit, Lemongrass, Peppermint, Spearmint, Pine, Clary Sage, Bergamot, Basil, Ginger, Tea Tree, Cypress, Eucalyptus

Cleansing / Antimicrobial

Eucalyptus, Chamomile, Cedarwood, Juniper, Lavender, Lemon, Orange, Patchouli, Rosemary, Rose, Tea Tree, Lemongrass


Peppermint, Tea Tree, Oregano, Clary Sage, Rosemary, Lavender, Eucalyptus, Roman Chamomile


Geranium, Marjoram, Sandalwood, Bergamot, Tangerine, Black Pepper, Melissa, Orange, Valerian, Roman Chamomile, Lavender, Jasmine

3. by aroma type

Essential oils can be arranged in regards to the way they smell, and many can branch into multiple categories, depending on the nose of the individual! This is entirely up to one’s personal impressions and taste. Like one’s taste in literature or wine, it’s about how you and your nose like to ‘read’.

Essential Oils by Aroma


Bergamot, Grapefruit, Lemon, Lemongrass, Lime, Melissa, Neroli, Orange, Petitgrain, Tangerine/Mandarin


Geranium, Palmarosa, Vanilla, Jasmine, Lavender, Rose, Ylang-Ylang


Black Pepper, Clove, Ginger, Nutmeg, Cinnamon, Cassia, Cardamom


Cedarwood, Fir, Juniper, Frankincense, Cypress, Coriander, Myrrah, Patchouli, Vetiver, Sandalwood, Helichrysum


Chamomile, Clary Sage, Marjoram, Oregano, Peppermint, Pine, Sage, Rosemary, Thyme, Tea Tree, Basil


Eucalyptus, Camphor, Sweet Birch, Cajeput, Rosemary, Frankincense, Hyssop, Marjoram

Regardless of which avenue of exploration and preparation you wish to flow into; the moment you find inspiration, you’re absolutely free to create pure magic! The more you practice and utilise your innate wisdom and remarkable ability to contemplate, you’ll discover that the possibilities are endless and the rewards are immense. Let your inner alchemical master break free and manifest wonder! You’re encouraged to attempt blending oils from different groups, allowing you to achieve desirable results for two differing circumstances.

There are only a few general ‘formalities’ if one could even consider them as such. Again, like the entire essential oil experience, it would be entirely subjective to the individual. Citrus and floral aromas are well known to complement each other in terms of their fragrance, and herbaceous oils pair magnificently with woody scents. However, the personal creative freedom and flexibility is entirely up to you, herbaceous aromas also work immensely well with citrus too! The opportunities are clearly endless!

tips and formula

A little overwhelmed? It’s not a problem, take a deep breath and remember there’s always our technological ally (and at times, the enemy!) in this age on Earth: the internet! You can browse professionally recommended blends by a multitude of experienced practitioners from around the world, and a good place to start would be to simply play copy cat! You do, however, need to take into consideration the measurements you intend on using, and it’s best to start with a simple ratio, which you can adjust as you grow and flourish through your oil journey.

It may seem tempting to combine two blends which are known for their immense synergistic essence, but it’s not entirely advised and it would be better to begin from scratch to avoid such unpredictable outcomes. The quantities in professional blends will at times be a mystery and have particular reasons for certain results, so achieving the same effect may prove a frustrating challenge. It’s recommended that if you’d like to blend with a blend, rather create the blend yourself and try adding in an additional oil (or two!) to make it entirely your own.

If you’re beginning with your first blend, keep in mind to leave room for error, it’s best to start small. Using a dark glass bottle (which protects your oils from light) that measures 10-15ml will ensure that if the blend is not as successful as intended, you haven’t wasted a substantial amount of your treasures.

1. Start by filling your chosen bottle with your choice of carrier oil and fill it almost to the top.
2. Choose three to five oils to put in your blend using your prime wisdom and oil grouping finesse.
3. To ensure you’ve diluted your oils safely, you can use up to 8 drops of your essential oils to maintain a 2.5%-3% dilution rate in a 15ml bottle.
4. Try one drop of each oil first and embrace its aroma, adjusting as you feel and smell necessary, ceasing once you’ve added 8 – 40 drops in total.

essential oil quality

Everyone these days is rather aware of the differences between the multitude of products we have on our shelves, world-wide for our delight. As with most things, and especially those regarding personal wellbeing and health, it is imperative to choose the highest possible quality essential oil products. With a few exceptions, you may suffice with using a lower grade tea tree oil for your household cleaning.

However, you may choose a finer grade to utilise on the largest organ of your body, the integumentary system, otherwise known as your skin!
You will most likely find that the majority of oils are recommended for external use only. It is essential that pure, therapeutic grade essential oils are only ever considered when intending to consume internally, and should generally be done under the supervision of an accredited professional. Some oil producers will use fillers and additives which are not ideal for cosmetic or therapeutic use.

what could go wrong?

As with the entire experience of essential oils, each person may react differently to aromas and components. Certain individuals who are prone to skin sensitivity and those with allergies may react to certain oils. It is important to consider and read any safety information carefully, for any oil products you purchase and experiment with.

There’s absolutely no reason to be afraid of words such as ‘side-effects’ or ‘adverse reactions’, like most avenues of creative expression, it may not be too much of a worry if you added a drop extra of one oil in relation to another. It rests on which application you are intending on using your blend for. For aromatherapy, or a bug repellant, the mix may not come under much scrutiny. However, if your intention is for more of an emotional, mental or physically healing result; it may be wise to pay close and conscious attention to the means and ways in which you create magic with these dynamic essences. 

enjoy the journey!

Have you had your own experience blending your essential oils? We’d love to know! What is your favourite blend for your diffuser? Do you have a particular recipe for the perfect skincare spritzer or cream? Please engage in the comments below to add your wisdom and creative expression for the benefit of all, as there is never a right or wrong with this art form, and always room to learn!

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